Sunday, April 08, 2007

Playing with Paint(er) - foray into digital art

I just bought Painter IX.5 and have started playing around with different digital media. It's great fun and you don't have to clean up afterwords ;).... Once unexpected result is that it re-inforced the viseral impulse to work with real/traditional media. I'd be interested in hearing other artists experience with digital media.


Twisselman said...

I've worked for a couple of years now with a combination of traditional and digital media that involves scanning charcoal or micron pen drawings of mine, knocking out the paper white, and building colors and textures on layers underneath with Photoshop. Biggest plus is, as you say, no cleanup. I haven't come close to anything I'd call 'fine art'... editorial illustration only. My daughter much prefers acrylics and oil... but is just starting to work with digital image manipulation, too.

The woman you display here does not have a digital feel at all. Tribute to you and Painter, which I've heard great things about but which I haven't worked in.

Unknown said...

i'm getting more into trad media, having done the painter route. I like not having an undo button